Saturday, September 25, 2010

First College Test

    Everybody has warned me about how hard college tests are. They all say that I need to study, and that it's nothing like the easy high school tests that required no effort to get an A. I took these warnings in to consideration before today's test. Today happened to be my first college test ever, and as I walked in to the room to take it, I couldn't help but feel prepared. The funny thing is, I didn't even study for it. I decided it would be best to try to do this test just like I did all of my high school tests, and not study and psych myself out for it. I figured that I'd learn the hard way if it was indeed a much harder foe then I imagined. However, I found the test to be remarkably easy. I think I passed with a great grade and didn't really have any trouble with it. I know that this isn't going to be the case for all of the tests, and I will study, but it's nice to have the first one be relatively simple. The grades should be up on Blackboard by tomorrow, so I can see what I got, but I believe its within the A to B range. College has been great so far, and it just keeps getting better and better.

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