Saturday, September 25, 2010

Project 1: Reflection

    The entire project, as a whole, has really introduced me to the world of college writing. Before this, I knew how to do MLA format, and cite sources, but not how to do an annotated bibliography on those sources. I was taught how to evaluate a source and how to use certain aspects of the source, such as statistics and other citations, to determine if the source is credible or not. As for the Expository essay portion of the project, I learned that there's more then one type of expository essay. I've always been taught to just explain what I'm writing about for an expository essay. But in Project 1, I was introduced to the styles of compare and contrast, explanation, cause and effect, and chronological ordering. I can write an essay comparing two aspects of the topic, explaining the topic itself, showing why the topic occured, or what it caused to happen, and the order of events that led up to the topic. I realize Project 1 has only scratched the tip of the iceburg as far as college papers, because it's only an introduction to Composition 1, which will only become more challenging. However, after writing the paper, I believe project 1 has expanded my writing ability for expository essays, giving me many options to choose from for the style of the paper, and outlining the set-up of the thesis, body paragraphs, and closing paragraph.

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